Wednesday, July 11, 2012

As I Am’

Denise, Mama, Mom & Nana '

Many go through times of feeling they have no Mom or are without a Mom for whatever the reason may be - they are your own or felt as yours within your heart.  My life has been an still is filled with God’s Children, They have been entrusted to me for a little while.

Through the years I have been blessed with My Children & those who have been Dear to Me for many years, or just thru a season of life needing time to just feel there’s someone there for them that God has Blessed Me by – many hearts have connected with mine through the years.  My Heart has always been open – thru good times and bad.  I’ve always been one to speak freely around my girls’- friends & family.  Many Testimonies’ in Life have been shared with in my written words in Hopes of healing Not Only Myself’ also for others who may have been Touched by them. I Have Been & Am Blessed Very Much. I Love each & everyone of You Very Much.

- daeab


Nicole@mamashiptips said...


Nicole@mamashiptips said...

You are a great friend to me. You have a great heart...